Google Analytics and Lighthouse: How to keep your 100

Dec 23, 2020
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I've recently written a post about replacing Google Analytics with I've left this post up as a guide for those who need to use Google Analytics, but I would recommend those who can switch to an ethical alternative do so.

I recently rebuilt this website, and as I neared the release I was pleasantly surprised that I had very little work to do to achieve all 100's on my Lighthouse audit.

Perfect Lighthouse score

This was in large part to NextJS and the amount of optimization that is provided out of the box. This is also due to the simplicity of my website, I do not have complex features or large dependency requirements. Nonetheless I was still pleased by the level of effort necessary for 100's.

But I knew celebration was premature, because I at least wanted Google Analytics loaded on the site to monitor what little traffic I get. Lighthouse ironically does not often like other Google software, and the recommended way of adding Google Analytics dinged me 6 points in performance, bringing my score to 94. Not satisfied with an A-, I did some research trying to find a solution. I eventually found my answer: Loading the Google Analytics library directly, instead of using GTag.

Even further, we want to use the alternate async syntax they provide as an example.

<!-- Google Analytics -->
<script> = ||
    function () {
      (ga.q = ga.q || []).push(arguments);
  ga.l = +new Date();
  ga('create', 'UA-XXXXX-Y', 'auto');
  ga('send', 'pageview');
<script async src=""></script>
<!-- End Google Analytics -->

I placed this snippet in my custom `_document.js` along with a prefetch link like so:

<link rel="dns-prefetch" href="" />

And voila! Google Analytics is successfully loaded, and I still maintained my 100's. Want the screenshot? You already got it! The image above is after GA was successfully added.